Please register for an online account before you come to class using the link below or download our app in the Apple Store or Google Play. We would prefer if you've already created an account and paid for your class before you get to the studio as that will make checking in much quicker and easier for both student and teacher.
Arrive at least 10 minutes before class so you have time to check-in, ask questions and get settled in. Please note that the front door will be locked once class starts and no late entries will be permitted.
Bring a yoga mat and a water bottle. If you are attending hot yoga, be sure to bring a mat towel or a large beach towel to cover your mat during your practice. If you forget your mat or don't have one, we have a limited number of mats available for use on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Wear clothing that is comfortable, lightweight and easy to move in. Avoid wearing any strong or heavy fragrances. We do not have showers at the studio, so you may want to bring extra clothes to change into after sweating through a hot yoga class.
Avoid eating a heavy meal 2 to 3 hours before class. Drink enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated but avoid drinking too much an hour before class. A water cooler is available at the studio with reverse osmosis filtered water for your convenience.
Please remove shoes upon entering the studio. Cell phones are not permitted in the yoga room.
It is beneficial to take a few minutes before class starts to settle in, both physically and mentally, on your mat. For this reason, we ask that there is no talking in the yoga room before and directly after the class finishes to allow for quiet, contemplative space for yourself and your fellow practitioners.
Finally, let go of all expectations and comparisons! This is your practice; your time to tune in, to breathe and to nurture your mind, body and heart.